Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

New Years Eve Day

My daughter


Sender Films First Ascent Series

I just recently sat through a viewing of Sender Films newest endeavor First Ascent. A six episode expose on the sport of climbing and beyond. Showcasing such talents as Alex Honnold, Cedar Wright, Dean Potter, & Chris Sharma to name a few. I believe this even aired on the Travel Channel (please do not sue me). I found this film to be fascinating beyond even my love for climbing. It truly showcases mankind's quest to keep pushing the envelope and to see what power the mind truly possesses. If you haven't checked it out yet, please do... whether you are a climber or not! 

Last Day of the year

2010 was a very interesting year for me to say the least... Profound changes were made that I (knock on wood) am very proud of. Nothing too exciting on my first post, Happy New Years everyone!