Monday, January 3, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Couldn't sleep, Late night filler.

Watching Touching The Void... Again. Fantastic Story. Check out a trailer here.

New Years Resolution...

I can't believe I still hear people talk about what they are (or are not) going to do this year for their NY resolution. It's nice to make plans and goals... but if you haven't figured out that you didn't do shit about what your resolution was last year then why waste time and energy on the lie to yourself this year? I'm sure there are some real anal people out there that set up a goal every new year and knock it out of the park. But for the most part I would say 80% of goals set fail. For what it is worth, make small realistic goals working in small batches of time (weeks or months). And be positive even if you fail... Just keep working towards that goal no matter what. A little progress every day and next thing you know... You need a new goal. And never set your self up to fail (like empty NYE resolutions), they only keep you in a negative state of mind about ALL of your goals.