Monday, March 14, 2011

First trip of the season to the Red River Gorge 3/11 - 3/13 2011.

Well, I went down to the Red with a good friend to tackle my current grade wall (5.12a). I really want to climb this grade on lead so I was pretty stoked for two weeks building up to it. Although I fell short (one move away really, but well pumped)... I am very proud of myself. I flashed a 5.11b with no problem and red pointed a VERY VERY difficult 5.11c (was a 5.12a, then down-graded?!?!) I feel the route was 5.11d at least. A friend of mine who has climbed the Red for over 25 years says the same. But, I'm not making excuses, I did my absolute best!!

Also, I met up with some friends that I went to high-school with and haven't had the luxury of being around for some years... They hike the red annually but do not climb. So we talked them into roping up and tackling a 5.6 that was wet, easily upping the grade to 5.7+! They did amazing! Both got sends and we moved around to the only available easier grade which was a 5.10a... They did extremely awesome and Neil was so close to actually sending! But simply didn't have the forearm endurance built up... I think he found something on the rock that day though and I may have yet another stoked climbing partner.

These trips always center me... Remind me of what is really important. The climbing is my passion, my life on my own selfish level... What I would ONLY do if I had no responsibilities what-so-ever. But my family is my life!

I go back in two weeks for the Red River Rendezvous... That 12 will be there and I will be a little more stronger and a little more wiser. I love climbing :)

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