Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bouldering Competition

I entered and won my first climbing comp. this weekend! I entered in the beginners class with my good friend and climbing partner Isaac.

 I could not convey in words the great time I had this weekend with my family and friends at this event. The comp. was held at Hester's climbing gym in Louisville, KY. Afterwords we all went out to a much deserved dinner at Simply Thai. Whose menu was loaded down with all sorts of vegetarian options! I have to say that I feel I am in the best shape of my life and am only getting more fit everyday. I know, for a fact, that switching my diet to a vegetarian diet and being a avid daily practitioner of yoga has gotten me this far. Also the peace I have made with myself and others is really a plus as well. I posted a pic of our new ropes and shoes... Mine is the Blue/Grey Sterling Evolution Kosmos 10.2 and Isaac's is the Metolious Monster 10.2 is Isaac's... Also the La Sportiva Solution's our mine. I love these shoes big time... They are like cheating. Also I am training for an official marathon in St. Louis in Oct.  My sister and coach is training me wisely. She is also training my wife (a tri-athalete)... Which is super awesome. I thoroughly love running... Seriously. I have to stop from over-running early into this training and it is difficult. Until next post nobody!!

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